Monday, August 17, 2009


new york, ny


at the end of a long day at the office, sometimes you just want a drink. food becomes a secondary consideration. such was the case last week when jenny and i met up at cello. the short wine list seems to change frequently, but they generally have the basic grapes with a couple of is-that-the-grape-or-the-name-of-the-region choices. fortunately, the owner let me taste the cote du rhone before purchasing a glass. not good. i then tried the super tuscan, which was pretty good. jenny thought her riesling was okay.

for "dinner" we had the meat and cheese platter. we liked one of the 2 cheeses (the comte) and one of the 3 meats (no idea) and tried to order more of each. but no one could figure out what we had ordered and we ended up getting more of the 2 meats that we didn't like. eh, whatever. by that point jenny and i were each on our second glass and were therefore quite, um, amenable.

1 comment:

  1. This place is decent but no superstar. Good service and friend staffs.

