Tuesday, May 4, 2010

ten penh

washington, dc


work has been extremely busy so i apologize that i have not been updating regularly. i have, however, been eating regularly so i have quite a backlog to catch up on. okay, back to our recent trip to washington DC. we walked past this restaurant on pennsylvania avenue a few times while seeing the sights and derek was very intrigued. given the name "ten penh", he thought that it might serve cambodian food. unfortunately every time we walked by, it was closed. finally, on the third try, it was open and we went in.

summary of derek's thoughts: "ten penh? i think zero penh." basically, it's fake asian food in the middle of downtown. it's not cambodian at all, but has a mix of asian cultures and cuisines -- peking style duck rolls, shanghai filipino lumpia rolls, roti wrapped tilapia with wasabi -- and it doesn't mix well. wasn't cheap either. bottom line - don't bother. maybe hike a couple of blocks north and check out chinatown instead.


  1. too bad - the review doesn't do the picture justice. that could make a vegetarian cry

  2. This place is now closed down -- probably because of your scathing review.
